For forthcoming events, including committee meetings, please see the Calendar of Events.

Easyfundraising is exactly that!

The simplest way to support the school is to sign up to easyfundraising! It's incredibly easy, completely free and only takes a minute to register. Then, every time you shop with 8,000+ online retailers, the school receives a  donation. We have less than 50 supporters and total donations are over £700 – imagine how much we could raise from potentially 1000s of supporters, particularly in the run up to Christmas or when paying for flights, holidays and big purchases. Plus, for every person who registers via the easyfundraising app before the end of October we'll get £2, and when 10+ register we'll enter a prize draw to win £150. What's stopping you? Please share with family as well – some grandparents are currently our top fundraisers on the platform!

Mix Tape Volume 4 loading...

Our party for grown-ups, Mix Tape, is back for a fourth edition on Friday 8th November (7pm to midnight) at The Con Club. This is a fun night for parents to get together and have a proper dance to music from the last five decades: disco, funk, soul, rave, house, garage and jungle. Tickets are only £8 (£10 on the door) and raise money for Priory and Wallands schools. Buy yours here:

Summer Social 2024

The weather was kind for the annual Summer Social, which saw lots of Priory families enjoying drinks and tunes on the school field in July. Food was provided by the brilliant Kabak and the local food and drink raffle was a big success – thank you to all the generous donors: Abyss, Artelium, Barcombe Nurseries, Beacon Down, Bignose Beardy Cider, Breaky Bottom, Burning Sky, Cheese Please, Court Garden, Folkington's, Goldstone Rum, Henners, Liquid Spirit Coffee, Old Tree, Only with Love and Seven Sisters Spices.

Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme

Friends of Priory was pleased to provide funds for staff training to enable the Year 10s to participate in the Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme. As well as volunteering and learning new skills, the 42-strong group have completed two overnight expeditions in Sussex, accompanied by teachers and external company Bright Expeditions. DofE offers great opportunities for young people, boosting confidence and encouraging problem solving and teamwork and we hope to continue to support the scheme at Priory for future year groups.

Mix Tape Volume 3 Club Night

The popular Mix Tape club nights, held as a joint fundraiser with Wallands school since last year, returned for a third outing at The Con Club with more music to dance to: rave, funk, house, jungle, hip-hop, ska and more. The Mix Tape events have raised nearly £1000 for the school so far.

Edward Reeves Photography Talk

We welcomed back Tom Reeves from Edward Reeves – the world's longest-established photographic studio – back to Priory School to give a talk at one of our favourite events of the year. Featuring newly researched material from the archives, it was a fascinating evening exploring the history of the people and places of Lewes that was enjoyed by a packed hall and raised over £500.

New LED Lighting Equipment

One of the Friends of Priory's most recent purchases for the school was an LED lighting rig to enhance the children's learning experiences in Drama and Dance. The new system was put through its paces for the fabulous school production, Alice, in March.

New Basketball Hoops

Fundraising for sports equipment is an important part of Friends of Priory's work. This year, your generous donations have paid for new permanent basketball hoops on the school courts that are already getting a lot of use.

Symposium Wine Tasting

The lecture theatre played host to Robert Poole of local vintners Symposium Wine Emporium for an evening of wine tasting. The group of parents, carers and friends tasted eight unusual wines, starting with a French Cremant and travelling further afield to take in bottles from Italy, Lebanon, Australia and more, accompanied by cheese and olives. This fun (and educational) evening raised about £400 for the school - not bad for Friday night drinks.

New Autism Facility – Outdoor Space

New Autism Facility Outdoor Space

Friends of Priory have helped to fund a new outdoor space for the Oak Centre, thank to your generous support of the raffle and other fundraising activities. The facility is now finished and ready for the young people to enjoy.

'Many, many thanks to everyone involved in supporting us in creating our outside space. It is secure, private and provides our students with a much needed sensory outlet. We are currently using the space in order to offer an outside sensory circuit , a private space for PE lessons and a safe environment for break and lunchtime. 

Teresa Russell – Autism Lead Teacher

New Science Labs

£15,000 of funds from Friends of Priory (alongside £3,000 from The Fonthill Foundation and £1,000 from The Armourers and Brasiers Gauntlet Trust £1,000, plus £3,000 from the sale of the old furniture) waw spent on refurbishing three science labs. Officially opened on 18 October 2019, the brand new facilities, include equipment such as the mobile fume cupboard with docking stations which allows it to be used in different labs so that more students benefit. 

New Science Lab
Tesco Community Grants

Tesco Community Grants

We are delighted to let you know that following the Tesco Community Grant vote in our local Tesco stores, our project came First and has been chosen by Tesco Customers to receive a grant award of £1,500!  The grant will be used to support those students who are financially disadvantaged to buy their dt practical food ingredients.

Voting was held at Tesco stores between Saturday 1st January and Thursday 31st March and proved to be very successful with millions of votes being cast by Tesco Customers across the UK.

Priory Christmas Market 2023

The second Priory Artists & Makers Christmas Market was another huge success with students, teachers, parents and friends of the school all selling their wares in the canteen on the evening of the Christmas concert. The mulled wine and mince pies went down a storm and the raffle raised £1500 for the school, with over 50 prizes generously donated by local businesses.

Tony, Jim and Liz

Committed to Giving

Over the past 7.5 years, we have raised an amazing £68,000 from monthly contributions to the school since we launched this Committed to Giving campaign. If you would like to know more, please see the Donate page.

Want to get involved? Find details of future meetings on the events calendar.