All parents and carers of children at Priory School are automatically members of Friends of Priory, so why not come along to a meeting to find out how you can get involved to support the school? We usually meet once a month to discuss fundraising ideas, events and plans for the future.
As well as these meetings there are sub-groups that organise refreshments, a particular event or on-going fundraising activities. There is also an AGM annually in the Autumn which reports on the activities of the previous year and the financial position of the charity.
Get involved! It's not a huge commitment but it makes a huge difference! Every donation and all money raised directly enhances our children's journey through the school.
Meet up
Come to our regular meetings!
Bring ideas, plan events and support funding requests.
Many hands make light work!
If you can spare even just 30 minutes or an hour, we really need your support at events, please volunteer your time by completing our form below.
Make a donation
Every penny counts!
Each donation, large or small, contributes towards the amazing facilities our children enjoy. Help us support projects from books to labs.